Atienza Kali Bladed Women (Pen Session) – Write Up

Atienza Kali Bladed Womens’ Session (Pen Session) 

3/16/13 Urban Jungle

In attendance women who came from various backgrounds of ie. law enforcement, marathon runners, teachers, mothers, musicians just to mention a few, who choose to take the Atienza Kali Bladed Women Session where we focused on using a Pen as the weapon of choice.

When asked why they chose to take this session, various comments were “to not become a possible victim”, “to see how a pen can be useful to utilize as a weapon should they have to engage” and their concern for not having their weapon of choice should they not be able to carry it or until they can get to it.

Our marathon runners expressed their concerns since they run long distances, where their environment changes day to day and are learning that they can carry something light enough to protect themselves should they have to engage.

After taking this class they realized how this was a great entry/starting point for them to get warmed up for the additional sessions we have to offer to further their training into the Atienza Kali Bladed Session portion of using a blade.

-        Awareness (Escape & Evasion Protocol)
-        Dynamic Targeting Chain
-        Holstering
-        Control Points
-        Chase Scenario
-        Intercept Scenario
-        Genie Escape Scenario
-        Thrust to escape
-        Arm Bar to escape

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